Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Snail Mail

Sunday October 18, 2009

Dear Family,

After the e-mails I sent, I thought I could write you a letter as well!

I miss all of you SO much! There are moments, when I wish I could just be home and hold one of the girls on my arm! Of course I am happy to be here. I know why I am here and love it. Just sometimes it is hard.

But, I am learning so much here, it is amazing! Doctrine of the Gospel but also personally!

After the first few days here, I was assigned a companion. His name is Comp 1. It was SO hard for me. He acted like he knew everything, didn’t want to listen to anyone and always interrupted others, as if it was less important, what others would want to say. And then there were the general cultural difficulties & differences. So…as I said it really wasn’t easy.

Then, I had another Companion at the same time, Comp 2! He is very nice…but so shy. His American language skills were not the best, nor was his self confidence. So, us there being together was quite frustrating! I decided pretty quickly for myself, that it was not my job to change them and tried to ignore the problems and to just enjoy my time here…Well, that wasn’t as it sounded!!!

Last Sunday evening there was a major discussion between my two companions and when I noticed it, I decided, that we should talk to our Branch President. (Like a “miniature” mission president, for the MTC)

Basically all they told u, was to think about what Christ would want us to do. Of course that wasn’t exactly that, what I wanted to hear in that moment. All three of us wanted a change of companionship. It was VERY frustrating. But we accepted the decision, that we should just work it out. A few days later, it was decided, that Comp 2 should be transferred into another class, because he needs more language training. That took some frustration away. I liked (like) him, but still it was good, because he could learn the way it was best for him…and also there was less bad feelings in all of us. Still though everything was really hard for me. I was as nice as I could be! I answered EVERY question Comp 1 had. Whether it was disturbing me in doing something…or not. There were no more fights or discussions, but inside, frustration was building and building. I could not feel the Spirit as I should anymore. Then, on Thursday afternoon, we had a class about patience!

“Patience is the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering WITHOUT becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious…Patience is related to hope and faith—you must wait for the Lord’s promised blessing to be fulfilled.”

(Preach My Gospel, pg.120)

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTHY to be compared with the glory, which shall be revealed in us!”

(Romans 8:18)

In that class that day, I figured some major things out. It is not about “making it through”!!! Rather “Come what may & loving it”! Heavenly Father knows what is best for us! Always! He loves us, so much. He would NEVER let anything happen to us, of which there is nothing to be learned. We NEED to have faith in his promises.

Now, I do not know, what exactly Heavenly Father’s intention was, by having me be companions with Comp 1. But I know there is a reason. I have learned much from it already. We get along great now. It is NOT perfect. But we try our best to make it that way. That is what counts! “Trust, and God will provide!”

I really hope, that everything is going well at home. I miss you very much. But, know that I am happy! There is no where else on earth, where I would rather be. I am looking forward to invite others to come unto Christ! Show other the way to find the same joy I have had. To see the unending love of Christ, which I have seen and see continuously. And to know the truth about this life and the life to come. I truly love my Savior Jesus Christ. He is my brother, friend and Redeemer. I am proud to carry His name and to speak for Him to the people in Wisconsin. I love my life, which He has given me, with all the blessings and also the challenges. For I see now, that they are ALL only fro one reason. To make ME stronger and to prepare me to meet my Creator some day. And to have me ready to be with my family for all Eternity. With the family I have now, and that I love so very dearly! And the family I will have in the time to come. I am grateful fro the things I can know to be truth. I am grateful for each and every one of you. For the help you have always given me and for he unconditional love I received daily. I don’t know and I don’t WANT to know, where I would be, if you would have given up on me. I am here now and love it. I will make you proud and I will make Heavenly Fahter proud. I love my Savior and know that He died for me. His reaching arms are meant for me. And for everyone else that looks upon Him with faith. That is why I am here. To open eyes with the Lord’s support.

Again, I hope that everything is well! I hope you all are happy. “Men are to have Joy”! I have found that to be true!!! All is hot God has planned it. NO NEED to know more!!

I love you all very much and miss you.

Take care and be happy!!!

I will try to write again soon! If you want to write to me, then remember I am leaving here, tomorrow in a week! So, depending on when you answer me, it would be, that I am already in Wisconsin! I hope to hear from you.

Love you,

Elder Robby Dautel (aka Robber J)

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