Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is it!!!!!!!

Alright,... In no more than 3 hours, I will enter the MTC.
I admit, I am nervous and sad. I wish I had another week here, to see more of my family and friends! But it is the right thing to do and will do this. I will trust in the lord and do what is asked of me. If I do my best and put my heart in this work,... I know I will not regret it, but will be blessed immensly! These 2 years are going to be the time of my life, so far! But only if I make it that way. I intend to do so. I love my heavenly father and know that he loves me also. I will make him and everyone else I know and love proud. I am glad, to have the support of so many. My family in germany. My family here in the US, which is getting bigger and bigger. And all the many friends, wherever they may be. It actually shouldn't be thaaaaat hard for me to go, right?
I can feel the comfort and the love and that is what will help me to ALWAYS stay focused and enthusiastic. I will do this right. And I will return with honor!
Take good care everyone, I will pray for you.

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