Ray and Jared assisted in the setting apart. Too bad Richy could be in the circle also and that Rike was there to be with us.
Ray and Beate are so proud. All of their sons have gone on missions now.
Jared was sick that day so he stayed behind with the girls. Just before we started he surprised us by coming, with girls in tow. The poor guy had to iron dresses and do hair all by himself. He just knew how important it was to Robby that he was there. He tried to stay away from everyone as much as possible.
Robby's friends, Elijah and Daniel Fahl, even came.
Robby's friends, Elijah and Daniel Fahl, even came.
great pictures! Robby loved it, it was very special to him. i love that you wrote...to bad Richy COULD be in the Circle and that Rike WAS there to be with us...:)