Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pictures: January 18, 2010

Elder Burnside
Not much to say about...he is really cool and a very good missionary already, even though he has only been out one transfer.
Elder Wessely
Elder Burnside's companion, from Germany, Bielefeld. He is really nice and a good missionary.
Gallon Challenge
Ooooh, Elder Cottle and the young men (plus the leaders) had to drink 1 gallon (3.78 Liters) if milk within ONE hour and keep it down for an hour. Supposedly it is impossible to do, because the milk expands...and none made it...EXCEPT ME! Ha...none beats me! :D But that night sure was horrible...:) NEVER AGAIN :D
Me, Trista and Dan Sarasin
They are a less-active couple, that really want to go back to church. Struggling but still trying. They are awesome and I am going to miss them, when I leave.
Me and Aden Sarasin
Dan and Trista's youngest son. He loves me sooooo much...I don't know why. He is shy to everyone else and hides from them...but from the first day on, he wouldn't stay away from me. :D I love that kid.
Me, Jeremiah and Jenna Sarasin
Dan and Trista's older kids. They are so sweet. Crazy :D...but sweet. Love them...and will miss them, when I leave. A lot!

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