Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Email: January 18, 2010

TRANSFER WEEK! My training time is over and I am going to be transferred! Where to, i do not know yet, I will hear tomorrow, but I am already excited. Sad, because I really love this area here, with all the people. And also, because of Elder Cottle and having to leave him. He is going to train again, which is good, since his wonderful working attitude truly is an example to everyone.

But, he has taught me so very much, it is unbelievable. I am going to miss that.
I am grateful, for the blessings I have received through this companionship and the time here. Including the trials, which almost always in life, turn out, to be a blessing in disguise!!!! It is hard, to be with the same person 24 - 7. Especially if you didn't get to choose the person :).... BUT, if you work things out and have the same righteous desires and goals, it can work.

Elder Cottle and I have learned, to feed off of each others strengths and to simply work. Work together in our cause, to invite others to come unto our Savior Jesus Christ. THEN it all just started to work out and we truly ARE having the time of our lives.

It is simply amazing to see how Heavenly Father always knows best and knows, what we need! The time here has taught me so very much. Things that were hard for me in the beginning, like getting up and excercise on time, knocking doors and other small things... are now my favorite thing to do, for I see how it helps us to focus and be more effective. I love knocking doors now and it is way fun. :D

AWWWWW well... a mission is simply the coolest thing ever and I love it! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world right now. I am grateful for the chance to serve my Savior and my brothers and sisters here.
"Today is the day, for us to perform our labors."
I am glad to perform them now.

Take good care everyone,
Love, Elder Robert Dautel

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