Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pictures: February 1, 2010

Elder Thiel
I was on an exchange with him for 2 days, because of transfers. He is awesome and I would be happy to work with him longer. He is from Canada and serving in Green Bay right now.
Iowa Sign
That's right!! Part of my area right now goes into Iowa. I have already served in 3 states!!! Pretty cool, huh!
Me at the Mississippi
Not much to explain. THAT RIVER IS HUGE!!!! That behind me is only about a third of how big it really is!!!
Overview of Green Bay

The Amish
Yep! There are amish in my area here and they actually put up signs for them and their carriages. It was so funny when I saw one the first time. I am going to try to take a picture with one of them :)
Turkey Time of the members in the area has turkeys.
UP District
Yeah that is us...Marquette, Houghton and Iron Mountain Elders...except Elder Cottle, who was already on his way to Milwaukee to pick up his new greenie.

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