Monday, January 3, 2011

Pictures: January 3, 2011

Sunset Blue Mounds: looked like that for about 30 seconds...was amazing!!!

Schultz and Me: probably the best missionary I have met on my mission

Remember That: exactly that...ALWAYS remember that!!

P-day B-ball: where we play basketball every p-dayat the stake center (the building I to every Sunday). It is sweet!

My District: Monroe Elders were missing...but still liked the picture.

Madison Lake Monona: can't remember if I already sent you that...but anyways...I love that picture!!

Haines, Carlos, and Me: me and my companion with Carlos and his newborn baby brother (born about 1/2 hour earlier). We were waiting with him.

Elder Whitlock: a very flattering picture of my current companion.

Cloooose Call: man! That would have gotten interesting.

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