Friday, December 3, 2010

Email: November 29, 2010

here in madison, we had a good week. slower week, but good week!
Thanksgiving was AWESOME!!!!!! Sweet dinner, going to see christmas lights and then seeing people standing outside of stores for next days black friday sales!!! pretty funny...

Elder Haines and I are still loving life here and getting along wonderfully! Work is, as said, a little slower these days, but still keeping us pretty no complaints there! :)
Christmas time is coming up, so everything is getting pretty busy in town (ironic...) and people are starting to prepare for the holidays! Also...people are getting nicer as well. So, that is nice! :)

other than that...not much to tell. Life is good! Church is true! 4 more weeks until christmas (and my 2nd last call home)...nothing more to say and nothing more to want :)

hope things are well at home and everybody is happy!

love you all VERY MUCH! hugs and kisses to everyone that wants them :) .... definitely to the girls though...

all the best

ELder Dautel

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