Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pictures: November 1, 2010

Elder Haines at a Farmer's Market, with a decent sized pumpkin :)

Me on my noble steed at the same Farmer's Market
Ryan Hillebrand and his son (a less active, part-menber family we work with). He and his wife took us to the Farmer's Market. AWESOME family!!

Yeah, this "cracked" me up! :D

Me and my district, in my old area, for district meeting (close to Prairie du chien, right across the Mississippi)

Elder Haines needed to pee so bad...and then that sign...SO FUNNY!

I love Halloween in the States.

No words! :)

Close call :)

Me and Elder Haines at the Chicago Temple! I LOOVE the temple!

Sunset over the little valley in which I live with a member of our ward!

I just LOVE the Wisconsin sunsets! AMAZING!

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