Friday, April 23, 2010

Email: April 2010

hey everyone,

how are things? here, they are marvelous!!!!!! I've got another transfer down here, in Prairie du Chien!!! Elder Warner and I are staying together and are doing our best to help the area progress!!!!
We are seeing success and enjoy sharing the gospel of our Savior with those we meet.

As we had General Conference last week, I sure learned a lot. Also, I realized more and more, how blessed we really are. These men and women, that we are allowed to listen to, are an inspiration to all of us. Isn't that marvelous, to know that Heavenly Father and our Savior love us so much, that they always watch out for us and guide us, through those they call? I definitely think so.

I really know, that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ, in its fulness. We are members of his true church. Knowing that, is a comfort and blessing beyond measure!

Thank you all, for the work you do, to share that knowledge and for the support I receive from all of you. I can literally feel the prayers you say.
I hope, that all things are well, wherever you may be.
I love and miss all of you and sure wish you all the best!... Take care...

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