Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Email: May 3, 2010

hey everyone,

today just quick update for everyone:)

things here are going well!... A busy week it has been, as this one is also!...
last week I went to a pentacostal church, for the first time in my life..... it sure was..... interesting... :)
they have a band and play christian songs for worship and stuff.... like I said...INTERESTING :)
Billy Reames is the youth pastor there and invited us to come, as we talked about our different beliefs....
aw well... it sure was an experiance... a testimony strengthening one... :)

other than that... not to much to tell...except that we are keeping busy :)

Spring sure is hitting hard and the landscape is just GEORGEOUS!!!!!
I love being here! The members are awwweeesome and keep inviting their friends to have dinner, with us....the weather has been awesome... our car is sweet :) (170 horsepowers eat that jared :) :D:D:D just kidding) and the work is progressing..
it sure doesn't get better than that :):)

aww well...life is good and I sure love being here!!!

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