Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Email: March 15, 2010

This last week has been a marvelous one. First, we had a few days of daily work until Thursday, when we had Zone conference.

It was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot about the importance of Repentance and how we can help our Investigators realize, what a gift it really is. At the same time, I myself realized, what a gift it really is. It is a marvelous one, for sure! It is an invitation to us, to become better. It is the chance for us, to clean out and heal our wounds of the soul. I am so grateful, for that gift.
Then, on Saturday, we also had the chance, to go meet Elder Christofferson, of the Quorum of the twelve. He is a marvelous man and gave us some very good advice, personally and also for the work. What wonderful men we have, to lead and guide us here in our lives. We are blessed immensely.

Elder Warner, my new companion from California, and I get along very well. Like usually there is some differences, but what would life be without some variety! :) He is a good teacher easy-going. It's going to be a good transfer, for sure!!!

I love my mission! It is such a blessing, to be here. I love this gospel and the happiness it brings me and my family.

That is why I am here. Thank you, to all that support me and help me. Take care, until next time! :)

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