Monday, March 8, 2010

Email: March 8, 2010

alright, a new Transfer!!!
My last companion Elder Jeppesen has gone on :), to Milwaukee and my new companion has come. Elder Warner is his name. He is from San Diego, California and a true Surfer boy! :)
Nice guy though, for sure and I am excited for the next 6 weeks. It will be great.

The work is going great. we are teaching several young families and others.
it is marvelous to see the testimony grow in others and also at the same time in yourself. it is a learning experiance for sure, to be on amission. Hard at some times...but ALWAYS worth it. Just like everything else, that the lord asks us to do. Sometimes it gets hard, but we can always know, that he is there, watching over us and preparing a way, for us to achieve what he asks of us.
This gospel really is a gift to everyone! we need to share it. I am grateful for the chance I have, to do so full time!

Thanks, to everyone, for the support i get!!! I really love my mission love being here in Wisconsin!

hope, everyone is doing good and staying happy! We sure have enough reason to be's do it :):)

well...take care everyone!
love, Elder Dautel

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