Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 24, 2009 Pictures

Lake Superior! Those blue skies...exactly like that everyday! Except today actually. The first time it rains on me is today :) I love it!

Me at the Lake

Me attempting a major bubble! :) Why do we fall...TO TRY AGAIN. (See the following picture)


Elder Cottle and me on the way to an appointment :) Yeah, we are cool.

Email: November 23, 2009

I am really happy here!!! It is exciting times for sure! We have a lot of work to do here, but a looot of success!!!!

We just had some baptisms on Saturday!! A whole family, except the youngest is just turning 8 in April! It was really special. I got to baptize one of the boys. I love that family. Darlene and Howard Brault. They married THAT day. And Darlene's kids Bryce and Destine (Schuh, their last name) and then Ashley, the youngest. The wedding and the baptism were simply amazing!! I LOVE THIS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so wonderful, to see people change their lives and grow closer to our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ!!!
I am priviledged to be a part in this and to be a tool in the hands of the Lord! I am doing my best to live up to the responsibility.
We have 3 more baptism dates that are all solid. So hopefully, I will be able to tell you more about it soon:) I am grateful to see this work progress. I love the work and I love my Savior. I know that this church is the one true church and that we can enjoy the FULNESS of the gospel within it. Let us ALL be beacons unto the people. If WE don't share the light, who will!?!?!?!?! Let's fulfill our purpose and invite others to come unto Christ!!!

OH MY...I am so happy! I am really learning alot. No day, without some experience!

Oh and please get the letter business going. I like emails, but...well...letters are even better! I haven't recieved ONE letter yet, except one. :(
I love you all very much and thank everyone for the support I recieve Take good care.
Love, Elder Dautel
The Brault Family in front of the church.

Elder Cottle, Robby and the Brault Family, with Brother Lewis (who Robby and his companion live with)

The little boy Robby baptized...Destin Schuh.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 2nd Email

HEY!!! WOW.... the missionfield! it is CRAZY!My companion Elder Cottle and I, are responsible for 3 different areas! Merinette, Iron Mountain and Esconaba (Michigan). We travel from city to city every 3 days or so. It is crazy! BUT AWESOME! I love this place! It is cold....but wonderful :)I love the people and the work I get to do! Spiritual Experiences EVERY DAY! It never stops. My testimony is growing every day. I am happy to be RIGHT here, RIGHT now!My companion and trainer is the best guy ever! Elder Cottle (from Brigham City, Utah) and I get along very well... and we have a lot of good fun. Every day is a chance for us to get better. we try our best and see the success.

I know why I am here, and am grateful for it. This is the lords work and I am part of it. I will do my best to live up to it!!!!! Thanks to ALL that support me. I think of all of you and pray for you. The lord watches over all of us. Always. Never forget!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October 26, 2009 Snail Mail

Out of the MTC!!! This morning, I got up at 3:30 to get ready to leave for Wisconsin!! It is exciting, yet intimidating!! I love the Lord's work and am proud, to be a part of it!! But it is a huge step, once again!!! But ALSO, I am ready for it. THIS is what I was prepared for, for 19 years! THI is my test! And I will NOT fail it!! I am proud, to have come here!! I miss you all very much, but know why I am here!!

The journey here was interesting! At first, we flew from SLC to Cinncinati, Ohio! We were 9 elders going to Milwaukee & 2 Elders and a Sister going to Montreal. Sister Lindsey was that sister. We had a wonderful talk & I was really happy to see, how much better she was doing! I am glad, that I was able to hlep her.

THEN, in Cinncinati, we split up, to our final destinations! Once in Milwaukee, I was happy to get off that plane! The elders I went with are great, but sitting for several hours straight, is NOT comfortable!! :D...

Well, we were picked up at the airport in Milwaukee and went straight to the Mission office!! There, after we took care of a few things, we discussed car-use & finances! And then, off to the Mission home! Dinner, ping-pong :) and interviews! Also, we had a really nice testimony meeting! After that, we there went to sleep!

Wisconsin is very much like Germany, just more Rain. :)

I love you all very much, take good care!

Love, Elder Robert Dautel