Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Email: January 24, 2011

Hey Hey everyone,

a great week it has been, with a great ending.

Saturday evening, we had a baptism. Aurora, the girl I told you about last week, was baptized (by me). It was great to do that and to see the parents as it went through. Both were crying and told me after the baptism how grateful they were for me and ELder Whitlock and for what we have done for them.
They have the goal to get sealed now and want to do everything necessary for that.
It is great to see the change they have gone through in the last 2 months. I am glad I was allowed to be a part of that.

Other than that, things are going great, still. Elder Whitlock and I are doing great and the area is awesome! :)

well... I guess that is really it... :)

HOw are things at home (wherever that is for you :) )

I hope you all know that I love you very much and I hope you have a great week!

love you all very much,

Elder Dautel

Monday, January 3, 2011

Email: January 3, 2011

Hey Everyone,

How are things in germany? still a lot of snow? how was new year's?

Here, things are going well. Holidays made things a little slower, because everyone is busy, but that is quite alright. We are now back on track and it's going great. We have several appointments this week, mostly with members and their friends, which is what we have been working for very hard, the last 4 months and have been waiting for.
So, prayers, everything going well, would be appreciated.

Other than that, there really isn't to much to tell.
I have been feeling a little sick the last few days and hope it won't get any worse, but it should be ok. :)

that's about it. Love you all very much and have a great week.

until next time,

much love,

Elder Dautel

Pictures: January 3, 2011

Sunset Blue Mounds: looked like that for about 30 seconds...was amazing!!!

Schultz and Me: probably the best missionary I have met on my mission

Remember That: exactly that...ALWAYS remember that!!

P-day B-ball: where we play basketball every p-dayat the stake center (the building I to every Sunday). It is sweet!

My District: Monroe Elders were missing...but still liked the picture.

Madison Lake Monona: can't remember if I already sent you that...but anyways...I love that picture!!

Haines, Carlos, and Me: me and my companion with Carlos and his newborn baby brother (born about 1/2 hour earlier). We were waiting with him.

Elder Whitlock: a very flattering picture of my current companion.

Cloooose Call: man! That would have gotten interesting.