Thursday, September 30, 2010

Email: September 27, 2010

this week is transfer week and I am leaving, as well as my companion.

End of training it is. Three interesting months it has been, with many ups and downs. I am glad to have had the experience and the many things it has taught me. Elder Day has a lot to learn and to realize, but I know he will. He is a good man and missionary.

On wednesday, I will leave for the other big city here in wisconsin, Madison. There, I will be a district leader, which will be interesting, but I AM excited, because Prairie du Chien (my last area) will be in my district, which will give me the chance to go there once in a while. NICE! :) So yeah, it will be interesting, but I will try my best to put the things I learned while training, into practice. I am excited for something new.

THough I am sad to leave here. The members are awesome and I got close to quite a few actually. Sunday was hard, to say goodbye, today being harder, as we have dinner with 2 of the greatest families I have met in my life. They have done a lot for me and I will miss them. But.. the lord called me here and he also called me to madison. SO, that is what I will do. Happily.

I.. love my mission and simply can't believe it's already been a year (next week)... WEIRD.... so, I better make that little bit of time count, that I have left!>... :)

well... I love you all very much and thank you, for everything you do and have done for me.

Love you,
ELder Dautel

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