Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Email: July 19, 2010

alright... here a little mail about life here in Milwaukee :)

almost 2 weeks of training are over and it sure is interesting... BUT...sweet! Elder Day is a cool guy and likes to work hard... SO... we get along very well!
AND he likes to cook!...SO..... i get a little break from just Top Ramen and Mac & Cheese :)

Something SWEET!....

Last week monday (after emailing), they were filming parts of Transformers 3, here in Milwaukee!
Elder Love...from Logan, Utah. My District Leader here and a very, very good friend.

Me.... tan and muscular!!! I have lost 15 pounds, since I am here in the city, walking everywhere and have been working out a loooot....so.... SAAAAWEEEEEEEET! :)

other than that... not much to say.. things are well and the weather is HOT and HUMID!... like 200% humidity :)

hope things are well and everyone is doing ok

love you all very much,
ELder Dautel

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