Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pictures: November 1, 2010

Elder Haines at a Farmer's Market, with a decent sized pumpkin :)

Me on my noble steed at the same Farmer's Market
Ryan Hillebrand and his son (a less active, part-menber family we work with). He and his wife took us to the Farmer's Market. AWESOME family!!

Yeah, this "cracked" me up! :D

Me and my district, in my old area, for district meeting (close to Prairie du chien, right across the Mississippi)

Elder Haines needed to pee so bad...and then that sign...SO FUNNY!

I love Halloween in the States.

No words! :)

Close call :)

Me and Elder Haines at the Chicago Temple! I LOOVE the temple!

Sunset over the little valley in which I live with a member of our ward!

I just LOVE the Wisconsin sunsets! AMAZING!

Email: November 1, 2010

hey everyone,

here an update on things here in madison, wisconsin!!!! YEAAAAH :)

i love madison! it is SAAAAWWEEEEEET! :) things are finally picking up, after a few weeks, of hard work on elder haines' and my part, and we are starting to see results in the attitude of the members and also directly with some of the people we found!
We are working with a few people, but especially to be mentioned is Carlos, an 18 year old, from Costa Rice, from a part member family here in the ward! He is awesome! One of the nicest guys I have EVER met and very spiritual to begin with. After a little while of fellowshipping, we have finally made it to the point, that we can teach him. So, we will! :) Prayers for him, will be appreciated a lot! Thanks...

other than that, as said, we are working hard!
ELder Haines, is AWESOME! I love that guy a lot and we are having a lot of fun together! it is way sweet!!!!!
well....other than that....not much to say. Being a district leader is interesting... :) more worrieng, more planning, more traveling :0... so... it is AWESOME :) love it :D:D:D

well... i think that's it!

Love you all very much,

ELder Dautel