Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Email: July 19, 2010

alright... here a little mail about life here in Milwaukee :)

almost 2 weeks of training are over and it sure is interesting... BUT...sweet! Elder Day is a cool guy and likes to work hard... SO... we get along very well!
AND he likes to cook!...SO..... i get a little break from just Top Ramen and Mac & Cheese :)

Something SWEET!....

Last week monday (after emailing), they were filming parts of Transformers 3, here in Milwaukee!
Elder Love...from Logan, Utah. My District Leader here and a very, very good friend.

Me.... tan and muscular!!! I have lost 15 pounds, since I am here in the city, walking everywhere and have been working out a loooot....so.... SAAAAWEEEEEEEET! :)

other than that... not much to say.. things are well and the weather is HOT and HUMID!... like 200% humidity :)

hope things are well and everyone is doing ok

love you all very much,
ELder Dautel

Friday, July 9, 2010

Email June 08, 2010

Hey everyone,

an eventfull week and a half it has been!....We have a new mission president.... President Jones, from Monroe, Utah!

I like him a lot! He is not a President Barrett, who will always have a very, very special place in my heart and memory, for all the things he has shown and taught me.... but President Jones is a good man that really is trying hard, to lead us well! We try our best, to support him and help him out in any way possible!

My new companion, Elder Day, from West-Jordan, Utay, is a really cool guy! Green :) but soooo ready to work. We already enjoy our time together and get along wonderfully! He is very open for new things and has the best intentions... it will be a good transfer!!!!! other than that... not thaaaaat much to tell...

I am sending a few pictures though....so... here, some explanations...

Here, downtown milwaukee, there is a loooooot of black people :) (Pretty much all we teach!) they like bling.... so...there is one store, where they sell really cheap but nice looking watches :)... only a few bucks apiece so, I couldn't resist :):):)

Elder Zobell ( my last companion)...after a streetball game in the middle of a street, that some black kids challenged us to! We got a looot of invites from it! ( I didn't look much better, except that my shirt was still tucked in, but just as dirty:) )

yeah...like I said!...i couldn't resist! We actually get invites, just because of those watches!! :)

me and elder tolman on exchanges at a dinner appointment at the beach! sure was fun!

me and brother Rauch: Brother Rauch is a member in the branch. His wife was putting their daughter to bed, when we had to leave..... they moved a day later....

patriotic: just liked it! :)

posterity: alright... who trained who!:....

in order: Elder Villanueva, Elder Cluff, Elder Sharrah, Elder Cottle, me..., Elder Pfleger, Elder Redd, Elder Day, Elder Stevenson, Elder Moore

Elder Villanueva

Elder Cluff Elder Sharrah

Elder Cottle Elder Redd Elder Moore

(1stborn) (2ndborn) :)

Elder Dautel Elder Pfleger

Elder Day Elder Stevenson

so....yeah... lot's of family here :):):)

well....hope you like the pictures... Hope things are well at home...and I am looking forward to the package for my birthday! :):):) Just make sure you don't soak it in perfume again... I still get comments on that :):):)

love you all very much

take care,

Elder Dautel