Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Email: December 7, 2009

so... another week!!!! MY FIRST TRANSFER COMPLETE :) (16 to go :) )
work is going great!!! but wow... financial crisis. it is crazy. Unemployement...puuh...it is the worst here. Like...every second person is unemployed...for sure. It is CRAZY. But we try to help the people to get through that, by showing them, that if they trust in the Lord it will always work out. and we HAVE seen many miracles already.

One time, there was a younger couple that was moving out their furniture for their landlord, so he could renew the carpet in their appartement. The next morning, wanting to move things back in, the were told, they have been evicted..... wow....that was so crazy...

a lot to go through....but...now....we have been teaching them and they have started to rely on their savior. Now they both have jobs and a decent appartement. They both want to get baptized and married, as soon as her divorce papers are through. They are good people. it is an amazing story.

I am so happy for the chance we have been given to help the people around us with the truths we have been given.
We have something amazing to share! And that is EXACTLY what we all need to do. SHARE!
Thanks, to everyone for all the support I get. I miss you and think about you a lot. Take good care,... until we meet again!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Pictures: November 30, 2009

Campfire with the Scotts and one of their neighbors, for Family Home Evening.
President and Sister Scott (the branch president in Merinette)

Elder Cottle at the campfire.

I love the decorations here.

People just started decorating. I bet it is going to get even better.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Email: November 30, 2009

Wow, soooo much is happening. It is CRAAAAAAZY! I love it :)
Elder Cottle and I are getting along great and have a lot of fun together.
Man, am I glad we have a truck with four-wheel drive :)
One time he wanted to turn around on the street and went a little bit into the high grass on the side of the street. We got stuck in swampy ground. but... ONE click on the big 4- button .... and OUT we were :) it was funny.

and the work...wow...the work... it is amazing. We see sooo much success. As we both try to be better personally and also to each other, daily... we also see the many blessings, that come from it.
We knock on doors and people just say: "oh...i already have my beliefs...but...hey...sure, I will learn more!"
Progress is being made so much, and we get to be the tools for it. I am so grateful for that opportunity. I learn so much and grow closer to my savior Jesus Christ, daily.

We have 4 baptism dates at the moment. one on the 13th of december, 2 on the 19th and 1 on the 26th.
It truly is going to be a white christmas :):) i love it.
BUT I am glad that elder cottle was asked to do the one on the 26th. The investigator wants to be baptized in a river.... CRAAAAAZY... it is already freezing cold here and it is getting colder daily... well.... faith and it will be fine!

so, that's about it :) thanks to everyone that I know and for the support I receive.
BUT...let me say just one more things. there is not much, that is nicer, than a letter in the mailbox in the morning.
I love emails, but letters are just simply better. :D:D