Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ready to go! by Elder Robby... :)

well.... Time really is running fast!!!!!! But, even though it is making me nervous and a little bit sad, about leaving for all this time, I am WAAAAAAAY exited to go!
Tomorrow I am leaving from Nuernberg at 6:30 in the morning to paris and from there then to SLC! 2:05 pm I will arrive there!

I am glad, proud and honoured to be allowed to speak and teach the lord`s word! And I truly hope, that I will make him proud, too. A life of blessings is what heavenly father has given me. So, 2 years of work is what he will get back from me, for that!
I love my saviour and friend Jesus Christ! I know he loves me very much, and has died for me because of that! I love his gospel and love my life! Families can be forever and I am glad to be part of one of the best! I am thankful for the truth in my life and for the many things we learn on earth. It's not always easy...but we can ALWAYS make it, with the lord on our side!

i hope i can always remember that!!! and i hope i will return a better man...
i am happy for the future and know it holds great things for every one of us!
WE just have to be ready for them!

Everyone... TAKE GOOD CARE! i will miss my family and my friends!
be happy always and count your many blessings! bye bye... i will see you :)

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